

June 15, 2016


¡¡Buenos días chic@s!! Lo primero de todo perdonad por no haber publicado ayer pero nos está costando muchísimo encontrar Wifi decente en Santorini, al final estoy compartiendo 3G de mi móvil para poder conseguir publicar porque sino me veía con el blog sin actualizar hasta la próxima semana :P.

Hoy os enseño unas fotos que sacamos en Barcelona en los alrededores de la montaña de Montjuic.  De nuevo opté por llevar cuerpo con los hombros al descubierto aunque en esta ocasión con estampado de rayas y mangas globo, ya os dije que estaba un poco obsesionada con esta tendencia, es ver uno y me apetece probármelo jeje, combinado con una falda de ante que compré en Los Ángeles, me gusta especialmente porque los detalles “cowboy” del pespunte de los bolsillos delanteros, pronto os la enseñaré en otro look ya que la utilicé para fotografiar mi colección de joyas para María Pascual. En cuanto a los pendientes… no puedo estar más enamorada de ellos, pesan un poquito no os lo voy a negar, pero con ellos tuve amor a primera vista y además fueron una ganga gracias a que una amiga regateó super bien en uno de los puestos de Spice Souk en Dubai.

Como siempre espero que os guste el look y millones de besos!!!

Good morning Folks! First of all, sorry for don’t posting yesterday but we’re having some problems with Wifi connection in Santorini. I’m making some trips to share my mobile bandwidth with my laptop ;)

Today I’m sharing with you some pictures we took in Barcelona around Montjuic mountain. Again I chose to wear a top with bare shoulders but this time with printed stripes and balloon sleeves, and I told you I was a little obsessed with this trend, combined with a suede skirt I bought in Los Angeles, I like especially because cowboy details stitching the front pockets, soon will show it in another look as I used to photograph my jewelry collection for Maria Pascual. As for the accessories… I can’t be more in love with them, weight a little bit, but they had love at first sight and they were also a bargain thanks to a super good friend dribbled in Spice Souk in Dubai.

Hope you like and have a good one!

Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-37Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-19Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-79Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-67Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-57Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-40Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-21Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-76Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-63Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-36Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-46Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-9Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-80Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-52Chicwish-Off_The_Shoulders_Top-Outfit-Suede_Skirt-Free_People-Isabel_marant_Sandals-Chanel_Vintage_Bag-Statement_Earrings-Boho-Collage_Vintage-26 Camisa/Shirt: Chicwhish, HERE
Falda/Skirt: Free People, HERE
Sandalias/Sandals: Isabel Marant, Similar HERE
Bolso/Bag: Chanel x Vestiaire Collective
Pendientes/Earrings: Mercadillo (Flea Market)

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