
Cowboy closet

Hey girls, Happy Friday! I just came back in LA with a ton of pictures from my road trip to Grand Canyon and Lake Powell in Arizona and Monument Valley in Utah. It was my first trip since the COVID situation started so I was so excited and I enjoyed every place I’ve been. Stay …
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Fall outfits with Sézane

¡Hola chicas! ¿Cómo ha ido el fin de semana? Nosotros tranquilos en casa, haciendo comidas ricas y sacando el máximo partido a nuestro pequeño jardín que durante la pandemia no está dando la vida. Aunque aquí estamos con ola de calor estaba deseando enseñaros prendas más otoñales para que podáis ir cogiendo ideas. Ya sabéis …
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Movie night

I love how versatile my backyard can be, today I’ve decorated it for a movie night date with my boy. We don’t know yet what movie we are going to watch under the stars but we’ve already eaten lots of popcorn. What’s your favorite summer night movie? Me encanta lo versátil que puede ser un …
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Road trip to Malibu

Hi girls! What would you pack for a road trip to Malibu? I think the answer is pretty easy, your favorite dress, like this crochet dress with open back I’m wearing from Cult Gaia, cute sandals and a bag, with a pair of things, lipstick and a camera to stop and take pictures of unforgettable …
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Endless Love Jewelry Collection

Hi girls! Today I’m introducing you a very special collaboration, my Endless Love capsule collection for María Pascual. A curated selection of pieces designed by me around an obsession, every day jewelry with a symbol of love. All pieces are finished with 18/23 carat gold. Hope you like it and you can celebrate the love …
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Stay at Home looks

Hi girls! I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend at home, doing some delicious recipes for you and your family or just doing nothing at all. I’ve been working on my favorite looks to stay comfy but cool at home. I’ll keep up choosing my favorite ‘stay at home’ outfits to share with you. What’s your …
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Pulseras solidarias

Hola chicas! Espero que todas y todos estéis bien y a salvo durante esta larga cuarentena. Este tiempo en casa a mí me está sirviendo para volver a hacer hobbies que tenía un poco olvidados por la rutina del día a día, como hacer pulseras con abalorios. Pasar el rato creando y mezclando abalorios de …
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