
Bershka: “Meet me in Rio”

February 5, 2014


Ayer tuve la oportunidad de teletransportarme a “Brasil” para conocer la nueva colección primavera-verano 2014 de Bershka titulada “Meet me in Río” que estará disponible en tienda a partir de marzo. Flores, colores pastel, kimonos, sudaderas, vestidos vaporosos, sombreros de paja, shorts, rayas, lunares, estampados tropicales, bikinis, alpargatas.. una colección de lo más completa para todos los gustos. Os dejo con algunas de las imágenes que captamos de mis prendas favoritas, estoy segura que todas ellas os harán soñar con la llegada del verano y el buen tiempo, espero que os guste ;). 
Yesterday I had the opportunity to move to “Brazil” to know Bershka spring-summer’14 collection entitled “Meet me in Rio” that will be available on the store next March. Flowers, pastel colors, kimonos, sweatshirts, sheer dresses, straw hats, shorts, stripes, polka dots, tropical prints, bikinis, sandals .. a complete collection with items for everyone.  I share with you some pics that we captured on the showroom, I’m sure that all of them will make you dream with summer and good weather, hope you like it!Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-2Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-21Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-15Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-10Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-24Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-19Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-12Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-16Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-4Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-8Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-14Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-3Bershka_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-5Berska_Spring_Summer_2014-Meet_Me_In_Rio-
