Inspiration: White in winter Collage VintageComo os decía hace algunos días me encanta el color blanco para el invierno, aporta luz a los looks y hace que salgamos de la rutina de llevar colores más oscuros. Para inspirarnos de cómo combinarlo os dejo con una recopilación de imágenes de street style, ¡espero que os guste!
As I told you a few days ago I love wear white in winter outfits, brings light and is a great alternative to dark colors which we used to wear during this season. For this reason today I share with you some street style pics to take ideas of how to add this color at our winter looks, hope inspire you!
Inspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageInspiration: White in winter Collage VintageSources: Stockholm Street Style, Madame Figaro,, Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Grazia, Vanessa Jackman, All the Pretty Birds, Collage Vintage, Tumblr, Pinterest, ?¿?¿
Feliz domingo chicas! Happy Sunday babes!


Shopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage Vintage

Desde que el otro día estuve aprendiendo a tejer reconozco que estoy obsesionada por conseguir hacer algún que otro jersey, de aquí a que lo consiga pasará tiempo pero no me resigno de momento estoy cogiendo práctica con las bufandas :P. Esto me motivo a buscar modelos que me gustaría tener en el armario y hoy los comparto con vosotras, espero que os gusten las propuestas. 

The other day I was learning to knit and now I’m pretty obsessed with do my own jumper, for the moment I’m getting practice with scarves but hope to achieve it soon : P. This motivated me to search for models that I’d like to have in the closet and today I share them with you. Hope you like my proposals!

shopping bag collage vintage shopping bag collage vintage

Shopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage VintageShopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage Vintage

Shopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage Vintage

Shopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage VintageShopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage Vintage

Shopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage VintageShopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage VintageShopping Bag: Cool jumpers Collage Vintage

