Para la ocasión pantalones de cuadros vichy de tiro alto combinados con jersey cortito, cazadora motera y bolso de mano turquesa para dar una nota de color. Como detalle, dejé asomar el “corpiño” (sujetador) de encaje por debajo del jersey…le aporto un punto sexy y es otra manera de sacar partido a la lencería ;). ¡¡Espero que os guste!!
Good morning babes! I start the week with the black and white outfit that I wore last day of Paris fashion week. We were very close to “Palais Royal” so we think that the legendary striped columns place was the perfect background to take the pics. For the occasion, vichy trousers paired with cropped jumper, biker and turquoise clutch to give a pop of color. As a detail, my lace bralette hovering below the jersey for a final sexy touch!. Hope you like it!

Feliz lunes y mil millones de gracias por todos vuestros comentarios.
Happy Monday and thanks so much for all your lovely comments!