September is gonna be a great month, in a couple of days we’ll be in NYC and more surprises are coming so officially I believe it became my favorite month :). Nonsense aside, today I show you a transitional outfit wearing denim jacket and black booties, two essentials too from summer to fall cause goes with just about anything you wear it with. What are your favorite transitional items?

Cazadora/Denim Jacket:Zara (Sales, similar HERE, HERE); Camiseta/Top:Choies; Falda/Skirt:Bershka; Botines/Booties:Sam Edelman,HERE; Reloj/Watch:Nixon,HERE; Barra Labios/Lipstick:Rose Baby Doll YSL,HERE; Pulseras/Bracelets:Claire’s
Sé que muchos regresáis de vuestras vacas hoy así que mucho ánimo y ya sabéis, no hay nada como pensar en las próximas. Muchísimas gracias por todos los comentarios, nos vemos mañana :).
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments, see you tomorrow with a new outfit post!