Os dejo con las fotos que sacamos ese día con un look vaquero estrenado la cazadora que compré el día anterior en Topshop, tiene un aire vintage que me encanta, camiseta de rayas, pitillos y los botines negros que siempre me acompañan por Londres. ¡¡Espero que os guste!!
Last week in London I met with some of my old friends that are living in the city to walk around one of my neighborhoods, Shoreditch. We had a great lunch in Boxpark and I already miss my girls. The good new is next weekend I’ll be in this amazing city again.
I leave you with the pics we took that day wearing a double denim outfit with my new denim jacket from Topshop, striped shirt, skinny jeans and cut out boots. Hope you like it!

Cazadora/Denim Jacket: Topshop, HERE; Camiseta/Top: Zara; Vaqueros/Jeans: Topshop, HERE; Botines/Boots: Topshop (Old, similar, HERE, HERE); Bolso/Bag: Céline; Anillos/Rings: Topshop; Collar/Necklace: Shantique Design, HERE.
Hoy salimos rumbo a Barcelona con Bershka para asistir al Sónar, uno de mis festivales de música favoritos. Tendremos un fin de semana movidito porque el jueves tenemos una boda en Málaga y el lunes nos mudamos… ¡¡espero resistir!!
Feliz jueves!
Happy day babes!
Last week in London I met with some of my old friends that are living in the city to walk around one of my neighborhoods, Shoreditch. We had a great lunch in Boxpark and I already miss my girls. The good new is next weekend I’ll be in this amazing city again.
I leave you with the pics we took that day wearing a double denim outfit with my new denim jacket from Topshop, striped shirt, skinny jeans and cut out boots. Hope you like it!

Hoy salimos rumbo a Barcelona con Bershka para asistir al Sónar, uno de mis festivales de música favoritos. Tendremos un fin de semana movidito porque el jueves tenemos una boda en Málaga y el lunes nos mudamos… ¡¡espero resistir!!
Feliz jueves!
Happy day babes!