Many times we think that when winter arrives we’ve to leave out some clothes in which we invest in spring, as blazers, denim jackets or midseason jackets, but the truth is that we can continue wearing them playing with layers. That’s what I did yesterday to go for a meeting, I dressed all in black with fake fur coat from Mythe Clothing combined with zippers leather skirt and jersey from Zara, but when I was almost ready I thought it’d be a good idea to include a grey blazer in this way when I’ll arrive to my date and take off the coat I’d have a more elegant outfit. Do you like it?

Aprovecho para pediros un favorcillo… he sido nominada a los premios “Fashion Blogger Adwards” organizados por Stylight en la categoría “Most Creative Blog” (blog más creativo). Si consigo ser una de las finalistas viajaré a la semana de la moda de Berlín a la gala de premios. Podéis votarme AQUÍ, solo hay que poner un “me gusta” en mi foto, es un segundo prometido :). Mil millones de gracias, ¡cruzaremos los dedos! :).
Also I had been nominated to “Stylight Fashion Blogger Adwards” as “Most Creative Blog”, if I’m one of the finalists I’ll travel to Berlin Fashion Week to enjoy the gala. Please vote for me HERE, you only have to give a like on my picture, just a second ;). Thanks so much babes, I’m crossing fingers!