
Tenía ganas de estrenar alguno de los bañadores que me han ido llegando a casa durante los meses pasados y Grecia era el lugar perfecto para hacerlo así que en mi maleta los guardé casi todos, entre ellos este modelo asimétrico en dorado metalizado de Calvin Klein. Mi prenda de baño preferida siempre han sido los bikinis, sobre todo porque con ellos consigo un moreno sin apenas marcas y me resultan muy cómodos en la playa o en la piscina pero, en los últimos años, he apostado por incorporar los modelos de una sola pieza en mi armario para llevarlos cuando ya estoy morena, al terminar la jornada de playa y con la intención de darles un doble uso combinándolos con otras prendas veraniegas a modo de body. Como os enseño en estas fotos combinado con vaqueros cortos, sandalias y un turbante.

Y vosotras, ¿sois fieles al bikini o apostáis por el bañador? ¡Contadme!

I wanted to release any of the swimsuits that I’ve been coming home over the past months and Greece was the perfect place to do it, so kept them all in my suitcase, including this asymmetrical pattern in metallic gold by Calvin Klein. My favorite swim piece, it’s always been the bikinis, especially because they get a tan without hardly marks and I’m very comfortable on the beach or at the pool but, in recent years, it’s chosen to incorporate models of one piece in my closet. They’re perfect for the end of the beach day and intended to give a double combining them with other summery pieces and use it as a body. As I show you in these pictures mixed with denim shorts, sandals and a turban.

And you, are you a bikini devoted or giving a chance to swimsuit? Please, tell me your thoughts!

Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-10Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-23Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-40Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-9Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-7Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-16Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-38Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-44Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-26 Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-41Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-45Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-43Mykonos-Calvin_Klein_Swimwear-Gold_SwimSuit-Collage_on_The_Road-100Bañador/Swimsuit: Calvin Klein, HERE
Shorts: GRLFRND Denim, HERE
Pañuelo/Scarf: Zara, HERE
Sandalias/Sandals: Soludos, HERE
Pendientes/Earrings: Collage Vintage x María Pascual, HERE



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