Las camisas veraniegas me encantan, sobre todo si son anchitas, azules, y de cuadros como la que os enseño en el look de hoy. Son muy versátiles y además pueden ser muy sexy, solo depende de cómo la lleves. Si no tenéis ninguna en el armario os recomiendo que lo solucionéis, id de tiendas en busca del modelo perfecto o “coged” prestada una de vuestro chico, hermano, amigo… Me gusta llevarlas con las mangas enrolladas, un par de botones desabrochados y un maxi collar, ¿y a vosotras?
Hello August! one of my favorite months of the year, not only because for many means holidays, summer and sun, but also because it is the month of my birthday ;). For now we still have to stay a few days in Madrid but soon will be driving to the beach, I’m counting the minutes!. What are your plans for this month?
I love summery shirts! specially this one from Olive Clothing with a creative neck cut ;). Are versatile and can be very sexy, just depends on how you wear it. If you don’t have any in your closet maybe you should buy one or take “borrowed” one from your boyfriend, brother… I like wear them with the sleeves rolled up, a couple of buttons undone and a chunky necklace, and you?

¡Feliz finde!
Happy Weekend!