Ese día también aprovechamos para ver acercarnos a ver el puente Golden Gate, nos quedamos con ganas de cruzar a Sausalito así que tendremos que volver, creo que el camino hasta allí en bici es increíble.
Hey folks! Today I share with you the latest pics of San Francisco this time from “The Painted Ladies”, a series of Victorian houses located in Alamo Square Park. Surely many of you recognize them because they have appeared in thousands of movies and especially are known for “Full House” Tv Show in which Olsen twins began their careers. It’s funny because since I was there every night at the hotel I can watch old episodes and I love it,, in fact while I’m writing this post plays in the background;). We also took the opportunity to visit Golden Gate bridge, we couldn’t cross to Sausalito so we have to come back soon to this amazing city :)

Mañana más aventuras ;). Un beso y gracias por vuestros comentarios.