Hello girls! How was your week? I’m so happy that it’s finally Friday so I can rest a bit because we have had a crazy week and in a few days we’ll go on a trip again and we want to enjoy our house before starting to jog around the world again :P

The outfit that I show you today has an absolute main character, the new Dior 30 Montaigne bag launched today and I’m completely in love with it. It’s available in several colors and also with the Dior Monogram print but the one I liked the most was the smooth off-white one because goes with everything, it’s classic and elegant. Yesterday was the first time I wore it for a walk and I decided to pair it with tie-dye skirt and blouse in shades of pink, white sandals and the jewelry that I usually wear. Do you like it?

By the way, many of you have asked me how to get these hair curls so I’ll share with you a video of how to do it. It’s so easy!

Hope you like the photos and happy weekend! Kiss! Kiss!

¡¡Hola chicas!! ¿Cómo ha ido vuestra semana? Yo feliz de que por fin sea viernes y descansar un poquito que hemos tenido una semana de locos, además en unos días salimos de nuevo de viaje y nos apetece disfrutar de nuestra casa antes de empezar de nuevo a trotar por el mundo :P

El look que os enseño hoy tiene como absoluto protagonista el nuevo bolso que la casa Dior ha lanzado al mercado, el 30 Montaigne, y del que estoy completamente enamorada. Lo hay disponible en un varios colores y también con el estampado Monogram de Dior pero el que más me gustó fue el blanco roto porque combina con todo, es clásico y elegante. Ayer fue la primera vez que lo sacaba a pasear y decidí combinarlo con falda tie-dye y blusa en tonos de rosa, sandalias blancas y las joyitas que suelo llevar habitualmente. ¿Os gusta?

Por cierto muchas de vosotras me habéis preguntado por Instagram cómo conseguir hacer estos rizos en el pelo así que pronto compartiré con vosotras un video de cómo conseguirlos, ¡es super fácil!.

Espero que os gusten las fotos y que tengáis un fin de semana 10! Muuuua!


Sara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bag

Sara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bag

Sara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bagSara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bag

Sara of Collage Vintage wearing the new Dior 30 Montaigne bag

Camisa/Shirt: Zara, Old
Falda/Skirt: Mango, HERE
Sandalias/Sandals: The Row, HERE
Bolso/Bag: Dior, HERE
Pulseras/Bracelets: Dior, Brinker and Eliza, HERE
Anillos/Ring: Dior, Collage Vintage x María Pascual, HERE

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