Hi babes! A white lace dress to start the week, I love it and I’m pretty sure you recognize it cause, since I bought it in San Francisco, I wore it several times (here and here). It’s my perfect summer dress, versatile, comfy and beautiful. Today I’m wearing it with a khaki hat, silver accessories, vintage belt and black lace up booties that I got on sale at a great price. Also I can finally wear fish braids aside, luckily hair grows fast, the perfect hairstyle for this outfit ;). Hope you like it!

Vestido/Dress: Vintage (Similar HERE, HERE); Cinturón/Belt: Vintage (Similar HERE, HERE); Sombrero/Hat: Zara, HERE; Sandalias/Sandals: Joie Clothing, HERE; Anillos/Rings: Shantique Design, HERE, Bershka, HERE.
Feliz semana chicas!
Happy week babes!
PD: Si encontráis algún vestido similar avisadme porque solo he dado con dos y un poco caros y muchas me estáis preguntando dónde comprarlo :S.