Decidí combinar la falda con prendas en negro para darle todo el protagonismo y hacer el look más sencillo, y aporté mi toque personal con el cinturón vintage y los accesorios plateados. ¡Espero que os guste!
Sunflowers are the stars of today’s outfit thanks to this skirt that I found last week in Bershka. I hadn’t premeditated taking pics with similar flowers in my hand, but when we were looking for a place to do them, we stumbled upon a florist with a lot of them in their window so was the destiny :P. I decided to pair the skirt with black item to give it all the attention, and complete the look with some silver accessories.Hope you like it!

Miles de besos y muchísimas gracias por todos vuestros comentarios chicas ;).
Big kiss and thanks so much for all your lovely comments!